8 Alternatives to PowerPoint for Online Educators

Hello teachers!

As online educators, we rely on PowerPoint presentations heavily. While this program offers diverse designs, themes, fonts, animations, and the like, it has a tendency to become redundant and creating new designs from scratch can be a burdensome daily task, right?!

As one who enjoys creativity, I’ve tested numerous alternatives to PPT and have compiled a list of my recommendations. There’s a plethora of other options out there in the cyber world, but I’ve chosen the most user-friendly and FREE programs to include. Since we live in a digital world and new programs are developed almost daily, I’ll continue to update this list as the next latest and greatest presentation options become available.

emaze is a free online presentation program and is my top pick. Besides being incredibly easy to use, there’s an extensive selection of visually appealing templates to choose from and the presentation transitions through a nonlinear path as you progress through it (think Prezi). Select from premade templates and themes, add text, images, media, and charts, then save. Note that, unless you upgrade your account, your creations will be public, which means your presentations should focus on basic skills rather than copyrighted content from curriculum providers. Simply share your screen when using emaze in a synchronous virtual lesson and allow your students to be amazed.

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